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Microfiber Mops And Holders for "microfiber"

Microfiber Mops have fast become the healthcare cleaner’s choice of mop when it comes to the cleaning of Healthcare Facilities. Our no touch Velcro backed Microfiber Mops used with water will pick up and hold 94% of microbial contaminants compared to 64% of microbial contaminants when conventional cotton mops and detergent are used. Our source “Am J Infect Control. 2007 Nov; 35(9):569-73” . Microbiologic evaluation of microfiber mops for surface disinfection. Rutala WA1, Gergen MF, Weber DJ.

Healthcare cleaning with microfiber mops significantly reduces the risk of acquiring MRSA or VRE Vancomycin Resistant. Entrococci and other bacterial infections. There is a choice of long or short yarn microfiber mop and disposable microfiber mops depending on the application.